Water Treatment
Steam condensate
Steam condensate in refineries and power plants, is reused in high pressure steam boilers to conserve resources and energy. When steam goes through process equipment, it is potentially contaminated with lubricants, mineral oil fractions, or other dissolved organics. These organics end up in the condensate and could cause coking and scaling in the boiler.
NORIT® activated carbon is used to remove the organic contaminants. It is a key component in the condensate polishing unit, helping to maintain proper water quality for boiler usage.
Low silica leaching of activated carbon is a critical property to protect downstream ion exchangers and prevent silica deposits on the steam turbines.
We offer:
- Washed activated carbon with low silica leaching
- Premium grade NORIT ROY 0.8 with superior dissolved oil / organics removal capacity and lowest silica leaching. The low dust extruded pellet also offers reduced rinsing and commissioning water requirements
Filter design with optimal contact time and pressure drop can be advised by our technical support engineers.
Analytical services help you evaluate the activated carbon conditions and optimize changeout cycles.
Premium grade
- High capacity for oil adsorption
- Extremely low silica leaching
- Less commissioning water
Extruded Activated Carbon
High grade
- Low silica leaching
- High microporosity
- Renewable feedstock based
Granular activated carbon
Water Treatment Services
Condensate Treatment
Activated carbon serves to remove organic contaminants from the condensate water that would otherwise foul ion exchange resins and/or form a tarry/coke layer in boiler tubes.