Power, Steel, Cement
Steel plants
Dioxins and mercury are present in the flue gases from sintering processes in steel plants. To protect human health and the environment, these highly toxic pollutants often need to be reduced within very stringent limits before the flue gas can be emitted. The European Union member states have stringent legislation in place.
NORIT® powdered activated carbons have been optimized based on our extensive experience. We deploy:
- Physical adsorption in a dedicated pore structure, to capture dioxins and oxidized mercury
- Chemical conversion by impregnated carbons, to convert metallic mercury to oxidized mercury
Our powdered activated carbons bring:
- Excellent dioxin and mercury removal efficiencies
- Right particle sizes for fast kinetics, also suitable for your particulate removal device (ESP/Bag house)
- Oxidation of elemental mercury by brominated activated carbon when needed
Safety characteristics determined per standard test procedures, support our offerings.
New projects will benefit from Norit’s experience. We can help you selecting the most suitable carbon, supply in the right packaging such as bulk deliveries to your silos, and provide system support for silo, dosing and injection equipment.
Brominated grade
- High mercury oxidation
- Optimal particle size
- Physical adsorption of dioxins
Powdered Activated Carbon
Non-impregnated grade
- high pore volume, highly active
- high capacity for oxidized Hg
- physical adsorption of dioxins
- European top grade